Saturday, November 20, 2004
my day so far
12:36pm wake (good sleep, 9 hours)
12:37pm throw shoe at annabelle
1:00pm still trying to wake up
1:15pm jude alerts me to server problems
1:16pm realize they are bad, start to work
1:17pm throw shoe at annabelle
2:00pm put load of clothes in washer
2:10pm fill dishes tub
2:11pm throw shoe at annabelle
2:30pm do some dishes
2:45pm xfer to dryer
3:30pm finish server work
3:31pm throw shoe at annabelle
3:45pm start work i meant to start 1pm
5:00pm break time. clean bathroom
5:30pm realize major long term planning problem w/ framework
5:35pm scream.
5:36pm throw shoe at annabelle
5:40pm try to modify frame work to import modules more effectively
6:00pm do more dishes.
6:10pm talk with jude about FIFA
6:20pm take out laundry and fold
6:25pm finish dishes
6:27pm decide new module format will work, realize means major changes to existing frameworks
6:28pm scream.
6:29pm find left over halloween candy. kit kat, tootsie roll and aero.
6:29:30pm thank the gods for chocolate
6:30pm start blogging.
6:38pm finish blogging, contemplate food. make commitement to start the work meant for today .. sometime today.
and i wonder sometimes why it's so hard to get anything done.
Posted by ruzz on November 20, 2004 at 06:39 PM in sometimes ruzz=dunsky | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack
Saturday, October 30, 2004
i'm working on a project, behind of course, and i had this realization that i'm doing this all wrong. I'm running my entire business wrong.
and fortunately i had a simultaneous vision of how i could change the structure of my development/hosting/design process to mean less chunks of income, and more regular income.
which is the real problem. i don't care if you win the lottery, if you get your cash in irregular chunks it's almost impossible to regulate. look at people who take the payout up front and are broke in three years. then look at people who take $150/k a year for 20 years.
this is the trick, i think, to making a small business work like a day job. regulating the income.
so, i have yet another thing to add to my list. i have to really mull it over, talk with people about it, and see if i'm being silly, of course, but in order to do it, i need six months or so to get some stuff in place.
sometimes, being fragmented can pay off.
Posted by ruzz on October 30, 2004 at 02:54 PM in sometimes ruzz=dunsky | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack