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Shit so interesting it hurts

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Look ma, i can read


One-Line Bio

my pencil is large and yellow.


i'm ruzz.
you know who i am.
well, you figure you do at least, so why not just skip the extended biography and fill your heads with all the images you already made of me when i wasn't there.

and if you don't know who i am, it's probably because i had to whack someone in your family.

and had myself erased from your memory. one stinking blog at a time.


I thought i would add, since i've been kicking here and there since 1999, that you can find some interesting if not offensive thoughts about my past blogging over at the weblog review: click to read the reviews.

My favorite is "he can be highly philosophical at times and downright artless other times"

it's all about scope baby. range. levels. gears and digging out the shit from the overload of information we get in our day.

there. now piss off. i'm busy.


chess, programming, photography, writing on bathroom stall walls, smothering birds, cooking traditional zulu meals, music, contract killing (special rates for small children, women and the handicapped), blahdy blah blah.